Booking/Contact form

For bookings and any other details on rates or special offers, please do not hesitate to contact us by using the form below. You can also use our contact information below the form.

You can use the view availability feature before requesting to book.

Contact us

143 Santa Giuliana
Pierantonio 06019

UK +44 (0) 7887751161
IT +39 331 3844 010

Whatsapp available on request


Finding us

GPS codes:

(Lat. 43.256839 / Long. 12.354801)

Prato di Sotto is located approximately 4 kms along a white road and a 10 minute drive to the town of Umbertide. We recommend all guests hire a car during their stay with us to enable to you to enjoy the area without constraint. We can offer advice on travel and before your arrival we will provide detailed directions.

3167 2770 2428